Cardinal Bird - abundant wildlife and natural beauty in Arizona
Some examples of the testing performed are:

Adrenal Stress Index:  The adrenal gland is the body's most important stress
response endocrine organ.  Chronic physiological and psychological stress can
deplete the limited reserves of the adrenal gland.  Saliva testing offers a powerful
tool to evaluate the effects of gastrointestinal problems, stress-related and
hormone-related diseases, toxic interferences in physiological function and the
overall endocrine balance of the human body.

Amino Acid Analysis:  Essential amino acids are the basic building blocks of the
constituents of the body, and so are critical for health.  They cannot be
manufactured by the human body.  Thus, they must be obtained through nutrition,
requiring a good balance of food choices and intact digestive function.  Amino acid
analysis provides information about nutrient adequacy, the quality and quantity of
dietary protein, the presence of digestive disorders, and the effects of vitamin and
mineral deficiencies.  In addition, amino acid analysis provides important diagnostic
information about liver and kidney function, detoxification capacity, availability of
precursors for neurotransmitter synthesis,  and many inherent disorders in amino
acid metabolism.  Deficiencies may be rapidly addressed while investigating the
underlying problem.

Essential Fatty Acid Analysis:  While historically ignored, there are essential fatty
acids.  They contain molecular structures the human body cannot manufacture, and
are critical for health.  Essential fats play an important role in
regulating inflammation, forming cell membranes, and in the optimal function
of the brain, nerves, eyes, skin, connective tissue, blood vessels, and every
cell in the body.  Correction of deficiencies is crucial.

Organic Acid Analysis:  Organic acids are metabolic intermediates produced in
response to daily activity of energy production, detoxification, neurotransmitter
breakdown, and intestinal microbial activity.  Accumulation of specific organic acids
often signals a metabolic pathway impediment.  This abnormality may be due to a
nutrient deficiency, an inherited enzyme deficit, toxic interferences in metabolic
pathways, or drug effect.  Testing for organic acids helps reveal activity and
changes at the metabolic level.  The test may reveal if there are adequate levels of
vitamins, minerals, cofactors for your unique physiology, or if there may toxic
interferences in the proper progression of metabolism.

Neurotransmitter testing:  Neurotransmitters are hormones which transmit
nerve impulses across synapses and also can act as endocrine hormones when
travelling through the bloodstream.  Neurotransmitters are necessary for the
thought process, emotions, sleep, energy and autonomic regulation.  Stress, poor
diet, toxic chemicals, genetics or infections can affect the nervous system.  
Imbalances of neurotransmitter levels can lead to feelings of sadness and/or
anxiety, disrupted sleep, fatigue, behavior problems, foggy thinking, inattentiveness
and headaches.  Identification of the specific neurotransmitter imbalances allows
for their modulation and restoring proper neural function more rapidly.

Micronutrient Analysis:  Vitamins and minerals are the facilitators of metabolic
pathways.  Determining lymphocytes micronutrient uptake may correlate to your
overall body requirements.  This may or may not reflect serum levels, the
conventional method of testing, as you may actually need more for proper
metabolism.  Micronutrient assessment is important in a broad variety of clinical
conditions including arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular conditions, diabetes, various
immunological disorders, metabolic disorders, toxic accumulations and
micronutrient deficiencies.  By determining the lymphocytes uptake of
micronutrients, your requirement may then be fine tuned for your current situation.

Food Allergy Testing:  Food allergies refer to the presence of antibodies in the
bloodstream against the food you eat.  Food allergies present with two types of
reactions.  The immediate, obvious IgE-mediated food reactions that may be related
to histamine release include hives, wheezing, sneezing, vomiting and even
anaphylaxis.  Delayed or IgG-mediated reactions include non-obvious, chronic
symptoms such as fatigue, headache, sleep disturbances, digestive complaints,
musculoskeletal symptoms and skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis.  In
children, it may be as subtle as behavioral changes after eating offending foods.  
We test for presence of serum IgG and IgE against many foods.  This allows for a
modification of dietary habits to improve the way you feel while we address the
development of food allergies.

Inhalant and Mold Testing:  Environmental allergens are prevalent in many areas
of the world.  Many people are sensitive to these and develop antibodies.  As a
result, these allergens not only affect the respiratory tract but also promote
inflammation in the body and may cause systemic symptoms such as mood swings,
hyperactivity, digestive disturbances and poor cognitive function.  Once your
environmental allergies are determined, you may take proactive measures to avoid
exposure, while we address the development of environmental allergies.

Gastrointestinal Analysis:  Cornerstones of good health include proper digestion
of food, assimilation of nutrients, exclusion of pathogens and timely elimination of
waste.  Impairment of intestinal functions can contribute to the development of
food allergies, systemic illnesses, autoimmune disease, and toxic overload from
substances that are usually kept in the confines of the bowel for elimination.  The
stool test analyzes digestion, colonic environment and absorption.  Also included
are comprehensive parasitology evaluations of stool for intestinal parasites, levels
of beneficial flora, imbalances of flora, and the presence of pathogenic bacteria and
yeast.  Identification of the specific imbalances in digestive function and ecology
allow for directed corrective measures to be taken.

Elemental Metals Testing:  In today's technological society, we are routinely
exposed to toxic heavy metals in our everyday life. Heavy metals are associated
with numerous chronic conditions and can interfere with cognitive function and
emotions.  Analysis is performed of blood, hair, urine and stool for common earth
elements and essentials elements necessary for proper nutrition, cell growth and
repair.  If concerning levels of toxic elements are detected, methods may then be
employed to remove them.  If nutritional mineral deficiencies are detected, they
may be rapidly corrected.

TRH Stimulation Test:  Disturbances of thyroid function are all too common.  But
routine blood testing may fail to detect the subclinical cases.  The TRH Stimulation
Test may detect those cases routine testing does not pick up.  
Read More.

Hormonal Testing:  Hormones are chemical messengers which circulate in the
bloodstream and deliver biochemical instructions to the cells of the body.  
Measuring these levels provides information about endocrine health.  Serum levels
measure the concentration at the instant in time that the blood was drawn.  But
they are constantly changing as the physiological needs of the body change.  Our
perferred method is saliva measurement.  Since it takes several hours to produce
saliva, the hormone concentrations measured are averaged over this period of
time.  This may more accurately reflect the usual levels one is experiencing.  
Clinically significant imbalances detected may then be addressed.

Routine Blood Testing:  Basic blood analysis evaluates the health of the blood cell,
liver, kidney and thyroid function.  Routine blood testing screen for severe
physiological imbalances which may be otherwise inapparent.

Disease Process Specific Testing:  Wellness Restoration has access to multiple
specialty labs to adjunct diagnostic testing.  This may include advanced infectious
disease testing and genetic testing.
© 2010  Shem Altman MD, PLLC
All rights reserved.
Mountain desert rainbow after monsoon rainstorm in McDowell Preserve
Antelope Gazelle natural wildlife roams free in mountains and plains
Sahuaro Cactus blooms in spring time in Arizona Sonoran Desert